Chelsea ✨

3 min

Unknown Writer to Published Author: Sam Smedley, Author of Flying Ant Day!

Professional book editor in the UK recommends Flying Ant Day, a dystopian science fiction thriller by Sam Smedley!

An abundance of aspiring authors struggle to get any further once they've finished writing their manuscript, but more times than not, a little assistance with book editing and cover design can make all the difference!

Today, we're celebrating Sam Smedley, author of Flying Ant Day, a dystopian science fiction thriller set in an alternate reality of Britain, post-pandemic, with a new authoritarian dictatorship, a secret resistance movement, an innocent father caught in the middle, and a strong, feisty leader pulling the strings.

If a novel about blackmail, murder, secrets, betrayal, revolution and hope takes your fancy, Flying Ant Day is the perfect book for you! 😊

Sam got in touch with me at Stand Corrected Editing this year and requested a full line edit to help get the manuscript ready for self-publication.

We both worked super hard on the manuscript and I enjoyed every step of the editing process!

I couldn't have been happier when Sam left a lovely review on my Google review page! 🥳

If you're hoping to self-publish your manuscript this year, it's soooooo important to follow Sam's approach and hire a professional book editor before publishing!

Why's that?

Well, if you end up publishing a novel full of structural issues, inconsistences, errors and mistakes, how can you expect your ideal readers to want to buy your books AND recommend them to others?

Think of your novel like a product - you wouldn't bring a faulty item to the market, would you?

It's the same with your book, it needs to be immaculate before you publish! 🧼

"Following a pandemic and civil unrest, an authoritarian dictatorship has seized power. A violent resistance movement is fighting to overthrow them.

When the regime kidnaps Scott Saunders’ son, they blackmail Scott into assassinating the resistance leader. He finds himself plunged into a nightmare, entangled between the brutal dictatorship, his family, and the seductive new resistance leader Angela Newton…

Scott’s ex-wife Miriam, her life ripped apart by the states’ persecution, attempts to seek a way out. But she too becomes drawn into the struggle between the regime and the resistance, forcing her to make desperate choices to keep herself and her son alive.

As the nation teeters on the brink of revolution, and with Angela becoming ever more desperate to bring down the government, Scott must battle to save his life, his son, and his country."

Although the thriller section wouldn't be the first place I'd visit to choose a book, Flying Ant Day has been one of my favourite novels to read and edit as a book editor so far. The story gripped me from start to finish and I found myself truly excited to discover what happened next after finishing each chapter. At the end of each scene, there was some kind of twist or cliffhanger to keep me eager for more - there were so many instances where I had to stop editing just to read on and get the thrill out the way!

Sam's writing style is fantastic, and he certainly knows how to write a gripping novel and pace everything well - you'll be super impressed if you give Flying Ant Day a chance!

Here's a little secret between you and me - Angela was my favourite character, but you'll have to read the book to find out why she's such a great one! 😉

So, if you love a good dystopian sci-fi thriller full of strong characters, a gripping plot, blackmail, murder, secrets, betrayal, revolution and hope, Flying Ant Day is definitely for you!

Speak soon!

Chelsea x


Hey! I'm Chelsea and I'm a professional book editor at Stand Corrected Editing, my independent editorial business in the UK. If you would like to have your manuscript thoroughly edited by myself, please get in touch!

With my book editing and proofreading services, I hope to spread my knowledge and expertise on how to make your novel a success, and be a mentor to others who desperately want to pursue a fruitful career as an author!
