Professional book editor in the UK reveals the pros and cons of her professional book editing services in the UK!
Book editing services can be something of a mystery to writers, but it really doesn't have to be, and it shouldn't be. If many aspiring authors like you are likely to hire professional book editors like me, you need to know what you're getting yourself in for, especially as manuscript editing services can be quite expensive.
So, I'm about to give you a detailed list of the pros and cons of MY book editing services to help you learn a bit more about the process: 4 pros and 2 cons, so keep reading to discover the secrets.
Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you if you decide to make a purchase through the products and services I recommend. I only recommend things that I truly love and use, so I hope I can recommend something to you that you can love too! :)
1. My Clients Receive a Thorough, Unbiased Edit & Constructive Critique that Highlights the Good and Bad
Family, friends, beta readers, and even critique partners may not be 100% brutally honest with you for fear of causing upset and offense, but my job as a book editor involves BEING brutally honest (in the politest way possible) to give my clients the best chance of success.
If part of the plot or character development really doesn't work within your manuscript, I'll tell you why. If a paragraph or sentence doesn't make sense, I'll query it. And if something needs to be improved, I'll offer suggestions and solutions.
2. My Clients Stand a Higher Chance of Getting a Literary Agent
Thousands of aspiring authors submit their manuscripts to literary agents every year with the hope of getting a traditional publishing deal, but 1 in 6,000 of them manage to attract an agent, so the competition is tough.
However, while my book editing services won't guarantee a literary agent, they're designed to increase your chance of getting your foot in the door.
A lot of writers think they can easily, or eventually, get a literary agent without previously hiring a book editor - and the rare geniuses can - but the majority of us need a professional eye to ensure that our novels are ACTUALLY ready for submission, otherwise the big, scary literary agents will never take us seriously!
One of my clients has already managed to attract TWO separate literary agents, so I'm super confident that my book editing services will help you get at least one, too! See a snippet of the email he sent me below! 👇

Receiving emails like this makes me so proud of the clients who work super hard after working with me!! 😊 Why don't you become one of them today and start seeing similar results? Get in touch!!
3. My Book Editing Services Will Increase Your Chance of Getting Positive Reviews
Around 60% of my clientele plan to self-publish their manuscripts once they've finished revising my edits, so it's no wonder they hired me in the first place - they need their novels to be squeaky clean before publishing, otherwise their reviews may not be as great as hoped.
While I can't guarantee that every single one of my clients' readers will like their book, I CAN help you to limit the negative reviews you may otherwise get from the likes of 'Leon in Stockport' who's frustrated by the grammatical errors, inconsistencies, and plot holes. 😉
Could my copy editing service be the right one for you? Get in touch to find out!
4. My Book Editing Services Will Help You to Stand Out from the Crowd
The majority of indie authors still think that getting their bookish sister, their friend who's an ex-English teacher, and 10 beta readers to read, edit, and review their novel is enough, but nothing compares to the expertise of a professional book editor.
In the same way that you, your family, and your friends could probably work out how to lay a carpet or fix the plumbing, but most people leave those jobs to a professional who knows what they're doing. Always hire a professional book editor at some point before you query or self-publish and you'll reap the rewards!
1. My Book Editing Services Aren't in Everyone's Budget
While my manuscript editing services are below the standard industry rates recommended by the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading and the Editorial Freelancer's Association, they're not in everyone's budget.
Some writers contact me with a budget of half the amount needed to edit their lengthy manuscript, so they often disappear and try to find a cheaper editor elsewhere.
Although deals and bargains are exciting, the phrase "you get what you pay for" rings very true when it comes to book editing services.
A few book editors may charge a lot less when they're just getting started, but if you're got a manuscript over 50,000 words, the majority of editors will charge upwards of £850.
For example, if you have a manuscript that's 96,572 words long and you need a line edit, you'd need to be prepared to pay £2,028 in total, but that's without my special discounts and payment plans! 😉
I know these numbers are huge and the example price above is expensive, but please don't let these rates put you off - my book editing services could help you to win a publishing deal that could pay you an advance of £20,000!

Hire the right editor, and you'll be rewarded!
2. My Critique May Feel Like a Punch to the Gut
Although all of my clients receive a thorough edit and critique, which is what they pay for, a lot of writers aren't prepared for such honesty.
Before hiring a professional book editor, they may have only shared their story with their parents, siblings, and closest friends, who are unlikely to give negative, or constructive, feedback. As a result, an editor's feedback may feel like a slap in the face.
There have been a few clients who have been defensive and hostile towards me after receiving my edits, so always prepare for the unexpected constructive criticism when hiring any book editor, not just me!
Thank you so much for reading to the end of this post! I really hope you've learnt a bit more about the pros and cons of hiring a book editor, but specifically the pros and cons of hiring me! 😊
If you're still interested and excited to choose me as your book editor, feel free to check out my website here, my book editing services here, my client portfolio here, and my contact page here!
Speak soon!
Chelsea x

Hey! I'm Chelsea and I'm a professional book editor at Stand Corrected Editing, my independent editorial business in the UK. If you would like to have your manuscript thoroughly edited by myself, please get in touch!
With my book editing and proofreading services, I hope to spread my knowledge and expertise on how to make your novel a success, and be a mentor to others who desperately want to pursue a fruitful career as an author!